Ecosystem Murals

A seven year mural project, which will eventually become part of the company’s site specific Art Collection… the eight circular murals will represent beloved iconic world heritage sites and landscapes of Kenya

Eight Landscapes

The first of the eight circular immersive murals is complete, depicting the Aberdares ancient cedar and bamboo forests, the endangered bongo antelope and the elusive black leopard. The murals are highly decorative, bringing in elements to create a 3D effect including a fly fishing chandelier and soft forest music in the room.

Ongoing work…

Camille Wekesa as the Founder of The Orkedi Foundation has embarked on a seven year mural project which will eventually become part of the company’s site specific Art Collection. The eight circular murals will represent her most beloved iconic world heritage sites and landscapes of Kenya; the first being the important water catchment area: the Aberdares Forest which links strongly to the company’s vision of creating an appreciation for the natural world in Kenya and together with other artists become catalysts for the love, appreciation and protection of the environment through art.

Based on the traditional African hut, other murals as part of the Art Collection will be of iconic and World Heritage African landscapes: Masai Mara, Turkana (the cradle of mankind), Mt Kenya, The Great Rift Valley, Samburu National Park, Tsavo National Park, Mijikenda Sacred Forests of the Coast.

The Foundation will be looking for funds to build the other 7 circular buildings from 2024.